Venue Requirements
Before booking our service, it is important to confirm that you have a suitable venue for the planetarium. Please refer to the below information before you book our service.
As the Fireball Planetarium is a portable classroom, a relatively quiet environment should be afforded. Scheduling in a cafeteria or gymnasium while there is active use will not enable a meaningful experience for your students. Our Fireball Dome requires a clean floor space of 6.4m x6.4 m ceiling ht 3.2m : (20ft X 20ft ceiling ht of 12ft). The capacity is 35 students (depends on their size). The Dome must be indoors and electrical power is needed. A darkened room is better, but not esential.
In the event that we are required to be at your school on multiple days, it is most convenient for us to leave the dome behind, but we must have a secure, locked closet or room for storage.
To schedule your class roooms well in advance of the program date, so that you don't lose time in the dome! (It helps to have one class lined up and waiting for the class inside to exit. Since every school runs a different schedule, it is best if someone at your school set up a schedule. Our specialist will do everything possible to accommodate you once you are inside the dome!
The day of the visit
Please have a copy of the day's schedule ready for the Fireball Planetarium Specialist. The schedule should include period start and end times.
Setup: Please allow at least 45 minutes in advance, prior to your first presentation, for us to set up our dome.
Removal: Please allow 30 minutes after our last presentation for us to remove Dome from room.
Student Management
- A responsible teacher must accompany students into dome to maintain classroom order.
- The assistance of an adult outside of dome is advisable, in order to organize the students during entry & exist of our dome.
- Before entry into the dome: Students will be required( in most cases) to remove their shoes & sharp objects from their pockets to reduce the risk of puncture to the equipment or injury to classmates.
Please email or call our reservation line, and we will provide you with available days and help book the planetarium. Phone: (709) 727-4447 Tickets can be purchased with cash or check. RESERVATIONS