Grade 12 DARK is a fulldome movie that explains and explores the nature of Dark Matter, the missing 80% of the mass of the Universe.The search for Dark Matter is the most pressing astrophysical problem of our time – the solution to which will help us understand why the Universe is as it is, where it came from, and how it has evolved over billions of years – the unimaginable depths of deep time, of which a human life is but a flickering instant We journey through completely immersive visualisations of Dark Matter evolution calculated upon some of the world’s fastest supercomputers – cosmological visions on a truly vast scale, in which galaxies themselves are but points of light, distributed across far larger intergalactic structures of Dark Matter.
| Grades 6-12 Book it for your next meeting or your students. Show the relationships between Science and Technology by giving examples of improvements to tools and techniques of scientific investigation that will lead to a new and cheaper way to reach the moon by following groups from all over the world try to win the Google Xprize.